Westport Events
MARCH 2025
Mar 8: Ocosta Booster Crab Feed
Noon - 6 PM. Come and enjoy a Crab Feed at Ocosta Rec Hall, 45 Ocosta Sixth St, Aberdeen, Wa.
Mar 9-Oct 19: Westport Charter Boat Association Fishing Derby
Compete for daily and weekly cash prizes in the Sportfishing Capital of the World. Each season we award over $60,000 in prizes including the grand chinook prize in the Westport Charter Boat Association derby. Don’t miss out on your chance to WIN the $10,000 grand prize for the Largest Chinook (King) salmon of the season. Grand Prizes of $1,500 Largest Coho, $1,000 Largest Halibut, $1,500 Largest Ling Cod and $1,000 Largest Albacore Tuna will be awarded at the end of the season. Plus, Daily and Weekly prizes. For information, email WestportDerby@gmail.com.
Mar 18-Jun 1: Gray Whale Watching
Boat excursions to view the migrating California Gray Whales. Boats leave from the Westport Marina. Call ahead for reservations - Ocean Sportfishing - 1-800-562-0105 or 360-268-1000.
APRIL 2025
April 26-27: Mermaid Festival
Visit the International Mermaid Museum to learn about all things mermaids. There will be exhibits and attractions for visitors of all ages.
Apr 19: World Class Crab Races, Crab Feed & Derby
A unique family fun experience at the marina in Westport. Come EAT, RACE & ENJOY! Races and Feed on Sat. 11 AM to 5 PM, Derby Sat. 8 AM to 7 PM.
April 20: Coast Clean-Up
Join Washington Coast Savers, partners and volunteers in participating in the Washington Coast Cleanup in honor of Earth Day along the South Beach area.
MAY 2025
May 3-5: 29th Annual Grays Harbor Shorebird Festival
Headquartered at Hoquiam Middle School. Sponsored by GH Audubon Society.
May 3: 43rd Annual Oyster Feed
Ocosta Recreation Hall (Approx. 5 miles east of Westport). All you can eat from 3 to 7 pm.
May TBA: Tokeland & North Cove Art Studio Tour Part 1
The first of two weekends is from 10 am-4 pm. Over 10 studios and multiple artists selling handmade art and demonstrating the artistic process.
May TBA: Tokeland & North Cove Art Studio Tour Part 2
The first of two weekends is from 10 am-4 pm. Over 10 studios and multiple artists selling handmade art and demonstrating the artistic process.
May 25: Day of Remembrance
Please join us in remembering those lost at sea and bless the fleet for a safe and bountiful harvest. Sunday 1:00 p.m. at the Fishermen's Memorial. Sponsored by the South Beach Ministerial Assoc, WE Fish, and WGCOC
May TBD: Celebration of Glass
10 AM to 4 PM McCausland Hall. Come and learn how to beachcomb for treasures and then go out and search the beaches.
May 26-27: VFW Memorial Ceremony
The Memorial Ceremony at Veteran's Memorial Park (Street of Flags) in Westport begins at 11:00 am. Refreshments follow at the VFW Hall. Sponsored by VFW Post #3057.
JUNE 2024
June TBA: Ride The Harbor
The Summit Pacific Medical Foundation invites you to a road cycling event to help build a healthy community and raise funds to support the Summit Pacific Medical Foundation.
June 27: Culpepper and Merriweather Circus
Culpepper and Merryweather Circus- Come see the circus! There will be 2 shows at 2pm and 4:30pm. More information to come.
June 28-30: 22nd Annual Rusty Scupper’s Pirate Daze
Put on by the Westport Grayland Chamber of Commerce, you are invited to see rival pirates invade Westport for a weekend of fun, food, and frivolity. Dress up in your “Pirate Finery” and shop, dance interact and enjoy the mystique of Rusty Scupper and his bawdy band of buccaneers! For information, Click Here. Additional information will be added as soon as it is received.
JULY 2024
July TBA: Tokeland 4th Of July Parade/Picnic
Join the uptown parade at 11 AM in one of Washington's oldest resort towns. Sponsored by the Tokeland North Cove Chamber of Commerce.
Jul 1-Sep 30: South Beach Art Gallery & Clay Studio
Sponsored by the South Beach Arts Association. Over 50 amazingly talented local and regional artists exhibit and sell their art on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1PM to 4PM and on Saturdays and Sundays from 11AM to 4PM.
Jul 4th: Booming Bay Fireworks Display
Show starts at dusk at the Westport marina.
Jul 5: Coast Clean-Up Too
Join Washington CoastSavers, partners and volunteers in participating in the 5th of July Cleanup to remove 4th of July Firework debris along the South Beach area. Registration not required.
July 12-14: Windrider's Kite Festival
Come and bring the whole family for some kite flying competitions, demonstrations, games, and fun for the kids. A banquet and auction too.
July 14: Run Like the Wind Run/Walk
HALF MARATHON, 10K RUN, 5K RUN/WALK - Come join us for a day of running at the edge of the sea and surf.
July TBA: Westport Wine Festival
Westhaven Wines is happy to present the Westport Wine Festival being held by the docks in Westport from 12 Noon to 8:00 PM. Come and sample wines from wineries from Washington and Oregon, as well as food vendors, gift vendors and bands throughout the day.
July TBA: Emergency Preparedness Expo
GRAYS HARBOR COUNTY - EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXPO - Grays Harbor Emergency Management will be holding an Emergency Preparedness Expo from 10AM until 2PM at the Moore Wright Group East Parking Lot located at 1401 Simpson Ave, Aberdeen. This is a FREE Family Event with Emergency Response Vehicles, Food, Vendors, Interactive Booths, Dunk Tank and More. For more info. GHCDEM@GraysHarbor.us or call 360-249-3911.
July 20: Elk River Boat Challenge
Your choice of a 3- or 7-mile human-powered boat race starting at Brady's Oysters on the beautiful Elk River Estuary. Registration starts at 9:00 am and pre-race meeting at 10:00 am. Sponsored by Sound Rowers & Paddlers.
July 31-Aug 3: Grays Harbor County Fair
Located at the Grays Harbor County Fair Grounds in Elma.
Aug 4: Coast Guard Day
Coast Guard Day is celebrated to honor the accomplishments of this branch of the United States Military.
Aug 6: National Night Out
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the Westport Police Department,740 N Montesano St, Westport, WA .Come and help engage in strong relationships in your community by meeting your local police officers and having some food, drinks and fun with raffles, a duck hunt and more.
Aug 10-11: 15th Annual Tuna Classic
Hosted by Mission Outdoors, a nonprofit organization building hope in the lives of our Veteran Heroes (EIN 37-1873331). This is a competitive Albacore Tuna Tournament that benefits our Veteran Heroes and the South Beach Food Bank. For more information, email info@missionoutdoors.org.
August TBA: Tokeland Woodfest
Held at the Tokeland Hotel - Sat. 10:00 - 5:00 and Sun. 10:00 - 4:00. Chainsaw carving, wood artists, food vendors, and live music. Presented by the Tokeland North Cove Chamber of Commerce.
Aug 17-18: Westport Art Festival
Juried show of fine arts and crafts.
Aug 24-25: Annual Driftwood Show & Glass Float Hunt
61ST ANNUAL DRIFTWOOD SHOW & GLASS FLOAT HUNT - Vendors, Music, Food, Driftwood Exhibits, Competition and Prizes. Glass Float Round Up On Grayland Beach. Hours; Sat. 10AM - 5PM, Sun. 10AM - 4PM.
Aug 31: Annual Seafood Festival & Craft Show
76TH ANNUAL SEAFOOD FESTIVAL & CRAFT SHOW - A family feast with fresh fish, oysters and more. Live music and local crafts.
Aug 31: Corvettes At The Marina
Corvettes of Grays Harbor invites you to "Bring Your Corvette To The Marina".
Aug 17 & 31: Junk Queens Flea Market
Details to come
Sep 11: Annual 9/11 Walk To Remember
Join people from the American Legion for a walk in remembrance of 9/11. The walk starts at 11AM and goes from the Grays Harbor lighthouse to the Gen. James H Doolittle VFW building at 211 Pacific Ave. in Westport.
Sept 13-15: Annual 30 Miles Of Junque
From Tokeland to Westport and Ocosta - Garage Sales Galore. More than 40 locations.
Sept TBA: Boat Basin Salmon Derby
Dockside fishing for salmon with great locally donated prizes at the Westport Marina. Free entry. For derby rules, Click Here.
Sept 14: Operation Shore Patrol
Beach cleanup hosted by Region 2 of the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association.
Sept 28: Reach The Beach - WA
Reach the Beach Washington welcomes riders from across the PNW on September 30, 2023 to enjoy a fast and flat century ride starting in Lacey, WA and ending with a celebration on the beach in Westport, WA. Riders can choose distance options ranging from 25, 44, 77, or 100 miles. Presented by the American Lung Association. Help prevent lung disease and help the millions of people who are affected in the U.S.
Oct-Mar 31: #Wildfloats
The Westport South Beach Historical Society presents a beachcombing challenge. One thousand authentic Japanese glass fishing floats are being released along Westport beaches with the goal of tidal landings so that anybody and everybody has a chance to score a find during beachcombing season. For additional information, click the link on the Events Calendar at ComeToWestport.com.
Oct 13: Jog The Bog
More details to come.
Oct TBA: Mushroom Festival
More details to come.
Oct 26-27: Nightmare Before Christmas
Let the holiday shopping for handmade art & treasure begin with a spooky play on the beloved movie Nightmare Before Christmas!!
Dec 7: Santa By The Sea
Come and welcome Santa to Westport. The US Coast Guard will deliver him to Float 6 at 10:30 AM. South Beach RFD will deliver Santa to the Destruction Island Lens Hall on the grounds of the Westport Maritime Museum. Santa will greet the kids and be available for photo opportunities from 10:30 AM until 12:00 Noon.
Dec 14-15: Grayland Holiday Bazaar
Three days of holiday fun featuring a Gingerbread House Contest, a Christmas Bazaar with local vendors, and a Christmas Community Party.
Dec 14: A Day With Santa
Join the South Beach Regional Fire Authority for A DAY WITH SANTA from 10AM to 2PM at the Grayland Fire Hall, 1785 WA State Route 105. Refreshments available. Bring your cell phones and take a selfie with Santa.
Dec 31: Westport New Years Eve Fireworks
Show starts at midnight at the Westport marina. Come and celebrate the end of the year by enjoying the fireworks display over the marina. Put on by LTAC Committee.